Make Your Own Online Small Business A Success



Running a small business is hard enough nowadays without the added element of maintaining an online business. While there are a lot of advantages to running an online business, it’s becoming more challenging as more businesses go digital. It’s important now more than ever to have a strong strategy for standing out as a small business online.


With big names like Amazon taking over the online space, you need to know how to use your smaller size to your advantage. Keep reading for tips and tricks for online small business success.

Why Take Your Business Online?

The first thing to understand is why it’s valuable to take your business online, and create a business website using Easysite. As a small business, you save a lot of money in added resources by going digital. Not only do you not need a full-time staff to perform daily tasks, but you don’t have to worry about reaching people outside of your geographic area. Online businesses don’t have business hours or holidays off.


It’s also important to note that more shoppers are spending money online than ever before. In just a few years, e-Commerce and online business have skyrocketed! According to TechCrunch, 79% of Americans shop online! This boom was sparked by convenience and cost, and that’s why so many businesses are jumping onto the online business bandwagon.


Easysite is a website builder that can be used by anyone. No coding knowledge required. We include e-Commerce software free in our website builder. You can make any type of website all by yourself using Easysite. For example one of our customers has made a website using his Amazon affiliate codes, he places codes from Amazon on his website and the codes display Amazon products. Any one that makes a purchase he gets paid a commission. The name of his website is Gingers Discount, have a look.

Customer Experience

As a small business, you can afford to spend more time on the customer experience. While bigger companies might not value each individual customer, small businesses have the opportunity to really dive deep into every interaction. This is what helps small businesses have an edge over big companies. When shoppers go online for purchases, they still expect a great customer experience. Since you’re unable to interact with customers in person, you need to make up for this with an easy, enjoyable shopping experience.


Much of the shopping experience relies on the checkout process. When shopping online, customers don’t like to jump through hoops just to hit that final submit order button. According to the e-Commerce blog ExpertSure, having the right merchant account can make a huge difference in this process on both the buyer and seller ends. Choosing the right platform and merchant account can ensure a speedy checkout process so you don’t have as many abandoned carts. A report from shows that customer experience will beat out lots of other platforms by 2020! Get a head start on this trend by investing in customer experience now!

Integrate Video

Video is changing the world of online marketing. Forbes highlights video on their marketing blog, saying that by 2019 video traffic will make up 80% of all web traffic. As an online small business, you can use video to offer additional high-quality content to your customers or to show products. Since customers are unable to interact with you (or products) directly, having videos is an important step in bridging this gap.

Online Business Success

There is a world of possibility online for small businesses willing to push the boundaries of marketing and the customer experience. As a small business, it’s up to you to focus more on the customer to deliver a high-quality interaction even over the internet. If you follow the tips and tricks above, you’ll have an edge on even the biggest competition!


Start building your small business website today with Easysite. No credit card details needed to try our website builder out. Try building your business website free for 30 days.

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