Create An Online Calendar



An online calendar can be a useful tool for a website. Having a calendar online lets visitors see events that are coming up. A calendar can also be used for employees to see their schedules. Holidays as well as other special occasions can also be posted to the calendar. Calendar can also be used to send out email reminders for upcoming events.


Some online calendars will offer auto-fill features. This is a useful feature for posting recurring events. For example, if you have a staff meeting every Monday afternoon, you could use the auto-fill feature to automatically add an event to every Monday afternoon over the next year.


Step By Step Instructions For Creating An Online Calendar:


To create an online calendar, navigate to the Site Admin page of your site and select the Pages tab. From there, scroll down to the calendar page and select either "On-All Access" or "On-Members Only" to turn on the calendar page of your website.  The Members Only option sets your calendar page to only be accessible to the logged in members of your website.


how to create an online calendar on
How to create an online calendar on


To post a calendar event, navigate to your calendar page and click the "plus" symbol on the date you want to add an event to. You can also click on the date box then click the "Add Event" link.


create a website
Setting up your online calendar

Enter the event information. Use this drop-down to assign a text color to the event. For yearly events, select the "Yearly Event" checkbox. Select this checkbox to send an email reminder about the event. Click this link if you would like to auto-fill an event (for example, if you have an event that occurs each week.) 


To add a calendar reminder, simply select the "Send reminder to" checkbox and select who you would like to receive the reminder and how soon before the event they will receive it. When this option is used an email reminder will be automatically sent out.


Click OK when you're ready to post your event to your calendar.


Watch this video for to see how to create an online calendar for a website:



If you are thinking about creating a website and not sure where to start try easysite, you can add calendar events, videos, images and lots more. Start now and create a website the easy way!

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