5 Vital SEO Steps To Think About When You Build A Website



So you want to build a new website and get it indexed in the search engines, it can be quite a daunting task. Do you know anything about search engine optimization?


Today we are going to share some tips and tricks that will help get your site to the top of those search results. If you don't understand the basic SEO practices it can leave your site in the dark which means no one will know you even exist. No clicks, no visitors, no sales.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand SEO. Just apply a few simple rules when creating a website will do the trick you don’t need to spend years learning the fundamentals.

Easysites website building software was created specifically for webmasters and people just like you, that are looking to get their site higher in Google and who don’t yet have the required SEO expertise. You will find the Easysite software helpful it not only gives you actionable SEO advice, but also explains the importance of all the elements found on a website. You can even try it yourself free for 30 days.

If you’re thinking about building a website, this post provides the basic guidelines to getting a solid SEO start and shows you where you can get the help you need to implement everything that needs to be done. We can even give you a free call back and help you set up your site for free.


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Step 1: Choose A Great Domain Name

Choose the best possible domain name for your site. Think about the below things when choosing your domain:

Short and sweet. Choose a domain that is as short as possible. Easy to spell. Easy to remember. If you own a company and the website is going to promote the company the website name should be the same as the company. That way if someone mentions your company and a Google search is done using the company name it will easily be found on search results.

Think about branding, yourcompany.com rather than mainkeyword.com - A branded domain can help build trust online and also increase the value of your content.

In the old days it was important to have a keyword rich domain name. Now in 2016 it means nothing. In September 2012, Google released the Exact Match Domain (EMD) update to prevent those poor quality keyword-keyword-keyword.com sites from ranking well simply because they had their main keywords in their domain names. So while it can’t hurt to register a domain with a keyword in it, you shouldn’t stress over it.

When you create a website with Easysite we give you a free domain, or we can add a domain you already own to your new website.


Step 2: Research The Right Keywords

Each page you build needs to be researched. Decide what the page is about and find the best keywords by doing keyword research to find out which words your audience is using when they’re searching for your products or services. Also use long tail keywords.

Before you get started with your keyword research, ask yourself:

What is your page about? Is it about a product or service you’re selling, like washing machines or is it repairs to washing machines? Or a useful guide on how to find faults and fix washing machines. When you know what the site is about you’ll have an easier time determining the type of keywords you’ll need to target on that page.

What is the main intent of the page? What are your main goals for this page? Is it to sell a product or a service, or is it to provide more information that can help visitors make an educated decision? By figuring out the main intent for a page you’ll be able to focus on more relevant keywords, rather than generic ones.

Step 3: Think About Your Content

Ever heard that saying content is King? Well its true. The more high quality unique content on your site the better for your customers and it will help achieve top rankings. By content we’re referring to anything you publish on your site that educates, attracts and delights customers, such as:

  • Web page content
  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks, white papers, and reports
  • Brochures, tips sheets, and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Sales pages
  • Videos
  • Pictures, infographics and more

Now that you have a better idea of what users are searching for to find a page like yours, you need to start writing your content and optimise it. Search engine spiders and robots will crawl your website and try to figure out what it’s about and then decide what queries each of your web pages should rank for.

Make sure you write for your visitors first, and then for search engines. Your content needs to be fresh and enticing, otherwise you won’t stand a chance converting visitors into customers. Don’t ever sacrifice the usefulness and persuasiveness of your content for SEO-friendly content.

When writing your content for both users and search engines, pay extra attention to:

Titles, should immediately grab the attention of the person reading it. It should also be what the page is about.


Keywords, are words that people use on search engines to find what they are looking for. Adding relevant keywords and useful information that will bring people to your site. Include your keywords with different words.

Topic, focus each page on a new topic. Optimize that page for the topic you have chosen. Never have two pages with the same topic or you will be competing for the same keywords.

Quality, you need good quality content and plenty off it. People and search engines are not interested in articles that have been copied and are already on the web. Never copy from other sites this will only damage your site. Try posting new articles every few days to keep people and search engines interested. Articles should be at least 600 words long and longer if you expect the page to rank well.


Step 4: Optimize Your Code

When building your site you also need to pay attention to how you optimize your website’s code as this will help your site rank higher on those search results.

Let’s look at how you can properly optimize your site’s code and help your site rank higher in search engines:

SEO-Friendly URL Structure

Its important to have URL SEO friendly links. Make sure your URLs don't have gibbering numbers and letters the URLs should also be named about what the page is about. Consolidate your www and the non-www domain versions. If you type in www.example.co.uk into your browser and then you type in just example.co.uk and the “non-www” version does not redirect to www.example.co.uk, that means that search engines are seeing two different sites which is considered duplicate content.
This will be seen as duplicate content and should be fixed.

Title Tags

Each of your web pages needs to have a unique title tag that describes what that page is about. Pay attention to the title tag because it’s what people see in search engine results when they’re searching for your products or service. In addition, the title tag also shows up in posts shared on social media sites like Facebook, for example. So you not only need to include your main keyword in the title but you also have to make it enticing enough to convince people to click.

So, when you write your title tags, make sure you:

  • Have a unique title tag for each page.
  • Include the name of your product or the main topic you’re covering on the page.
  • Keep your title tag between 42 and 60 characters, including spaces.

The Meta Description Tag

The meta description needs to summarize the content on your page because this too will show up in search engine results together with the title tag. While it won’t help you rank higher, a well-written meta description can have a big impact on whether users decide to click on it.

When writing your meta description, make sure:

  • You create a different one for each page
  • It talks about the features or ideas users would benefit from
  • It’s between 100 and 150 characters, including spaces
  • It includes a call-to-action that entices people to click.

Step 5: Earn links

Links are an important ranking factor and continue to be a great indicator of what content is relevant and important. However, it’s not about getting hundreds of links quickly but about getting quality and authority sites to link to your website.


Creating high quality well written articles on your site will help you to get those inbound links when other sites link back to your site.



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